Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I want to say a few things I have observed about Chinese food verse America food.

Generally speaking, Chinese food is very healthy. I'm no chef or nutritionist but the food here just looks and tastes healthier, as do the people (How they look NOT taste). Chinese people are generally very skinny and there are very few truly fat people here, unlike in America. That being said here are some of my thoughts. 

First, the Chinese eat a lot more fruit. They love that stuff. At my school, the kids have a snack break about an hour or two after lunch, about the time when they start to get that mid day grogginess. You know what they are served? Oranges. Or bananas. Or apples. Not cookies and mountain dew. This gives them an extra boost of sustained energy for the rest of the day, and I can see it positively affect their performance.

Second, the Chinese eat a lot more vegetables. Every meal has ATLEAST two vegetable dishes. If they are eating family style there are many more.

Third, their vegetables are almost all steamed. Again, I am an not an expert, I repeat I am NOT an expert, but steamed is a lot healthier than fried.

This segways into my next point, which is that they really don't fry their food that much. Vegetables steamed. Meat boiled, sometimes grilled or fried. Spring rolls steamed. Dumplings almost always steamed. Pork buns steamed. Don't misunderstand me, they do fry some of their foods, especially street food, but compared to America, it's not even close.

I'm not trying to bash American food culture or say one is better than the other, well actually I kind of am saying that Chinese is healthier, but not better because I love me some NYC pizza or bagels. I'm just saying that American's could learn a few things about healthy eating habits from China.


  1. I definitely agree -steamed is better that fried and more vegetables and fruit snacks give energy.
    Right on natural food - down on processed boxes

  2. Your school lunches in China look amazing.
